Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How much is a school lunch and what can my child choose to eat?
School lunches must be paid for on a Monday for the days your child would like school dinners for that week. Dinners cost £2.30 a day, menus and information about the school meals can be found by following the following link:
Packed Lunches
What should I put in my child's packed lunch?
Children may choose to bring their own packed lunches. The school promotes healthy eating and encourages children and parents to make a healthy lunch. Fizzy drinks and sweets are not permitted in packed lunches.
Can my child have a snack at playtime?
A selection of fruit, bread and drinks can be purchased at break time. It is suggested that 50p -70p is plenty for your child to purchase a healthy snack. Children may also bring their own friut, friut bar or other healthy snack to eat at break. Crisps, chocolate and sweets are not permitted
Car parking
Can I use the school car park to drop off my child?
No. The school car park is very busy, especially at the start and end of the school day. Please park in the church car park opposite the school if you must drop you child off by car. Please be considerate to residents and other road users by not parking on double yellow lines as Chiltern Way is a busy road.