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Welcome to Chiltern Primary School

‘Making Learning Irresistible’

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Curriculum Leader: Jeannette Fuller 

Mrs Fuller is our Maths Leader and is responsible for this curriculum area. Mrs Fuller is responsible for: 

  • Ensuring consistency of subject teaching, including through observations and ‘book looks’.
  • Curriculum sequencing and mapping.
  • Meeting with Local Authority and Ofsted inspectors about the subject.
  • Supporting planning, team-teaching, and delivering CPD.
  • Attending subject network meetings.
  • Organising subject events



Aims and Objectives

Our school intends to provide a high-quality Mathematics education that inspires all pupils to become confident, resilient, and capable mathematicians.

Our overarching aims and objectives for Mathematics are:

  1. To develop a deep understanding of mathematical concepts and procedures.
  2. To foster a positive attitude towards Mathematics, promoting curiosity, enjoyment, and confidence.
  3. To ensure that all pupils can reason mathematically, solve problems, and apply their skills across the curriculum and in real-life situations.
  4. To enable pupils to develop mathematical fluency, including accuracy, mental agility, and efficiency.
  5. To prepare pupils for future study and employment, equipping them with essential mathematical skills.

Curricular Content

Our Mathematics curriculum is designed to provide a broad and balanced coverage of mathematical content, including number, geometry, measurement, statistics, and algebra. We have aligned our curriculum with the National Curriculum for Mathematics and progression is carefully planned to ensure all pupils develop a secure understanding of key mathematical concepts.

We take into account the differing abilities, interests, and needs of our pupils and offer appropriate depth and challenge for all learners. We intend to promote mathematical thinking, problem-solving, and reasoning skills through a range of engaging and purposeful activities.


High-Quality Teaching

We believe that high-quality teaching is the cornerstone of effective Mathematics education. To ensure this, we:

  1. Provide ongoing professional development for all staff to stay up-to-date with the best pedagogical approaches and subject knowledge.
  2. Use a range of teaching strategies, including explicit instruction, collaborative learning, and independent discovery, to cater to different learning styles and abilities.
  3. Incorporate the use of concrete manipulatives, visual representations, and ICT tools to enhance pupils' understanding and engagement in Mathematics.
  4. Encourage active participation, questioning, and dialogue to promote deep thinking and mathematical discourse in the classroom.
  5. Utilize formative assessment strategies to identify pupils' strengths and areas for improvement, providing timely and precise feedback to support their progress.

Differentiation and Personalization

We recognize the importance of differentiation and personalization in Mathematics education, enabling all pupils to make progress. To achieve this, we:

  1. Differentiate teaching and learning activities, resources, and assessment tasks according to pupils' prior knowledge, abilities, and learning needs.
  2. Provide additional support through targeted intervention programs for pupils who require extra assistance.
  3. Offer extension opportunities for highly able mathematicians to deepen their understanding and challenge their thinking.
  4. Foster a growth mindset culture, encouraging pupils to embrace mistakes, learn from them, and persist when facing challenges.

Targeted support and intervention

At Chiltern Primary School we acknowledge that some children may need targeted support and intervention. We use a range of different strategies and approaches to help scaffold, adapt and close gaps in learning.


At Chiltern Primary School we have a range of targeted Maths interventions to help children master skills further: 

  • Number Stacks Maths Intervention Programme
  • Diagnostic Maths Tasks (Hampshire County Council)
  • SEN Planning Toolkit (Hampshire County Council)
  • Teacher planned intervention

Parental Engagement

We understand the significance of involving parents and carers in supporting Mathematics education. To foster effective parental engagement, we:

  1. Communicate clear expectations for Mathematics learning at home, including sharing guidance on how parents can support their children effectively.
  2. Organize workshops and interactive sessions for parents to develop an understanding of the Mathematics curriculum, teaching methods, and assessment strategies.
  3. Provide regular updates on pupils' progress and areas for improvement, enabling parents to contribute positively to their child's learning journey.

How can you help at home?

We fully encourage supporting your child with their maths work at home through the use of times table practice, number bond work and taking advantage of any opportunity for children to apply their knowledge in the real world. Get the children to handle the money when purchasing things from the shops, ask them to tell you the time and how long until they finally get to have their dinner, and when handing out treats, let them divide them up equally between their brothers and sisters! Any opportunities like this will help the children build on their understanding and practice those key skills. 


If you have any questions about supporting your child with Maths at home then do not hesitate to speak with your child's class teacher. 


Pupil Outcomes

The impact of our Mathematics provision is evident in the pupil outcomes we aim to achieve. By the end of their primary education, our pupils will:

  1. Demonstrate a secure understanding of mathematical concepts and procedures, applying them confidently in diverse contexts.
  2. Reason mathematically and solve problems, providing coherent explanations and justifications for their solutions.
  3. Approach Mathematics with enthusiasm, resilience, and confidence, embracing challenges and showing a positive attitude towards the subject.
  4. Exhibit mathematical fluency, accuracy, and efficiency in mental and written calculations.
  5. Apply mathematical skills and knowledge across the curriculum and in everyday life, recognizing Mathematics as a valuable tool.

Performance Monitoring

We regularly evaluate the impact of our Mathematics provision through a range of assessment strategies, including:

  1. Regular formative assessment to gauge pupil understanding and identify areas for improvement.
  2. Summative assessments to track progress against the National Curriculum objectives and identify potential gaps in learning.
  3. Standardized assessments to benchmark our pupils' performance against national expectations.
  4. Analysis of internal and external assessment data to inform future curriculum planning and identify areas for further development.

Feedback and Reflection

We continuously reflect on our Mathematics provision and seek feedback from all stakeholders, including pupils, parents, and staff. This allows us to identify areas of success and areas for improvement, leading to informed decision-making and further enhancements in our Mathematics education.

We are currently developing our Progression in Calculation which will be uploaded to this page once it has been completed.
