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Welcome to Chiltern Primary School

‘Making Learning Irresistible’

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School Uniform

School Uniform
The uniform for our school is smart and practical. We believe that our school uniform helps to achieve a sense of belonging, pride and identity and helps to create a hardworking environment, so we expect all children to wear their uniform at all times. All children must have a school logo showing at all times. If a child does not want to wear a sweatshirt or cardigan, then they need to have a polo shirt with the Chiltern logo on.  The uniform consists of:


Sweatshirt or Cardigan           

Midnight blue with Chiltern Primary School motif available from Skoolkit   
Navy Blue Polo shirt or Blouse

Navy Blue Polo with Chiltern Primary School motif available from Skoolkit       

Skirt or Pinafore              

Grey or Black. Blue Check Dress in Summer

White Socks                             
Black or Flesh Tights                            

Grey or black tailored trousers (no track suit bottoms, shorts or leggings)

Black sensible comfortable shoes (no trainers/ boots/flip flops)



Midnight blue with Chiltern Primary School motif available from Skoolkit

Navy Blue Polo shirt

Navy Blue Polo with Chiltern Primary School motif available from Skoolkit 

Black Socks                  

Grey or black tailored trousers (no track suit bottoms)       

Black sensible comfortable shoes (no trainers)

Children may wear trainers at playtime but must change back into normal school shoes.

P.E Kit

A change of clothing is necessary for all forms of physical exercise for safety and hygiene reasons.  It should be bought into school every Monday and consist of:
T-shirt      - Plain house colour t-shirt with Chiltern Primary School motif available from Skoolkit 
Shorts       - Black
Plimsolls  - Black for Indoor activities

Trainers  - KS2 for outdoor activities 
All should have a P.E bag. These can be be purchased from Skoolkit. 


All uniform can be purchased from Skoolkit, located in Basingstoke town centre.
In addition, here at Chiltern Primary school, we run a pre-loved uniform shop in our reception area. Prices start from 50p and there is a range of items and sizes. Please pop in and ask at the reception.


It is school policy that jewellery is discouraged and children will be asked to remove anything other than one pair of small studs (no hoops ) and a watch. The school cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage. Children will be asked to remove studs and watches before taking part in any physical education activity. If ears are newly pierced we ask that a plaster or tape is provided by parents to cover the studs whilst taking part in physical activity.


Lost Property
Please label all belongings clearly. We always have a very large amount of unclaimed items at the close of each term. Every effort is made to recover lost items. All unclaimed items are kept for one term in the school office and then disposed of.



Long hair must be tied back at all times, Alice and hair bands should be plain and either blue, black or white. No extreme shaved or gelled hairstyles are permitted.


No nail varnish should be worn at school.
